My reason for compiling this information is simple, I couldn\’t find one source that let the Chromecast play nice across VLANs on my Edge Router.
- Ubiquiti Edge Router Lite 3
- Ubiquiti UniFi AP AC Pro
- HP ProCurve 2810-48G
- Chromecast cannot be seen across isolated VLANs
- Crosstalk Solution’s video on simple Ubiquiti VLAN configuration. This provides a good overview of setting up VLANs and firewall rules on the ER-Lite.
- Crosstalk Solution’s video on secure IoT network configuration. This provides detailed info on creating firewall rules to make sure traffic stays isolated between VLANs.
- The Hook Up’s video on setting up IoT VLAN rules with UniFi equipment. This video provided an insite into configuring settings on the UAP-AC-PRO.
-’s article Setup guest and IOT VLAN with UniFi and a EdgeRouter. This is useful for enabling DNS forwarding for VLANs.
- Cron Blog’s article Edgerouter and Chromecast. This is where I knew I was getting close to the solution. Specifically, setting up the mdns repeater and broadcast relay.
- Multicast, Sonos, Phorus & Play-Fi Broadcast Discovery Solution found on Ubiquiti\’s forums. This post contains the instructions for downloading and installing the broadcast relay service onto the ER-Lite.
It was a long road to get the Chromecast to be seen across VLANs, but it’s working now. I hope these resources can help someone else on this journey.