Safari 5 and extensions
When Safari 5 introduced extensions, it gave me a compelling reason to try it out. I have been a diehard Firefox user since mid 2005 when I discovered the browser during my Windows days, and since it was cross platform, I happily continued using Firefox on my first MacBook. With the recent releases of Firefox 3.6 becoming slower and more unstable, I began seeking out a new browser, but that’s for another post.
Here are the current extensions that I find incredibly useful for Safari 5:
AdBlock: The first extension I install in any browser to clean up the web.
SafariRestore: Restores your previous Safari sessions on startup.
Gentle Status Bar: By far the best looking and behaving fade-away status bar for Safari. Sure, it may not have any options, but it doesn’t need them.
NoMoreiTunes: Prevents iTunes from launching on preview pages.
A Cleaner YouTube: Makes watching videos an eye-pleasing experience.
YouTube Wide: Widens YouTube videos without the extra click. Absolutely excellent when paired with A Cleaner YouTube.
FaceBlock: Simply blocks Facebook ads.